BRAMP offers a human resources team with skills and experience that are constantly adjusted to the challenges of the target markets. BRAMP operational and management processes exhibit an overall integration level that is based on technological infrastructure, ERP and e-commerce portal, adapted to its specific needs and those of the target market. This reality is incorporated into a certified quality management system compliant with the highest standards of the operated markets, namely ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 9001, and rigorously complies with rules and good practices in the energy and environment fields.
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The BRAMP Quality Policy is based on the following four pillars:
Customer satisfaction
  • Total and systematic compliance with customer requirements.
  • Ongoing improvement of processes associated with its business.
  • Offering of an integrated service from design until production.
  • Constant evolution in the value added chain through a position of innovation in the product, process and organizational system.
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Satisfaction of staff
  • Based on a constant search for an increase in motivation resulting from training suited to the tasks performed, safe and comfortable working conditions, in accordance with the company’s objectives.
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Investor satisfaction
  • Recognition and reputation of the company and return on the capital invested.
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Company satisfaction
  • Close-knit corporate network that is competitive and generates value.
  • Full compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Minimization of the environmental impact of the company’s activity.
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